Sunday 19 July 2015

Pet peeve - mobile phones at shows

hi folks a pet peeve of mine is the use of mobile phones during a performance is it anyone else's ? WHY do people turn on their mobile phone and use them in the middle of a show? Especially as announements have usually already been made about 'please turn off your mobile phones' . Why do people have to be so instantly aware and connected to the outside world if they are at a performance, which is what they should be concentrating on? Ok , yes I know it can happen to anyone , that you think you have turned the phone off but you haven't , accidents are accepted ,but when audience members turn on their phones ,use them and take photos .. 1. It is rude to the performers 2.It is distracting to other audience members and - 3 - it can be quite dangerous actiually as the phones can interfere with the tech equipment of the show and bring the show to a crashing hault for days! also what about copyright !? (eg at the Opera House just for one example) Lynne

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